up FAM!!!
- we
saw an owl.
had dinner over at the Della Silva's. Her enchiladas are the only ones I have
had that compete with my moms so that's impressive. Somehow let it slip that
Utah football is a higher priority than marriage when I get home and she did
not like that one bit. Explained that it is pretty much work, leisure,
school, all in one but in reality I was just digging myself a bigger hole while
trying to get out. Bro DS may be a Cougar at heart but he was on my side... Just
knew not to admit it haha. Felt like a conversation me and @pettbryan would
have with mom. #DogHouse. We are having Easter dinner with them and I am so
- We
were talking to the bishop one day and he was just straight up venting to us. It
was hilarious. He's such a good bishop, he's just real with it. By the end of
the discussion we were quoting Dumb and Dumber... "Although slow and
dangerous behind the wheel... The elders do serve a purpose in Hamilton."
Obviously the slow part doesn't apply to me... #TheyDone
- we
decided to try a burger joint that neither of us have been to. Called the
"Filling Station" or something. It was either the green chilis on the
burger or the music being played that nearly brought me to tears...
"That's all", "Summer of '69" #Track1, "Old Time Rock
and Roll", and "Somewhere Beyond the Sea"... #DirtyDisney.
"That kinda music just soothes the soul, I reminisce
about the days of old, with that old time rock and roll".
That was my Babylon music fix for the week! It took me back to those drives in
the panther!
- so
some elders in the district are talking about some of their revelatory dreams
that have proved to mean something to them as they serve... And once again...
Then there's Elder Pett's dreams... I told them about how the night prior I
dreamt I was #StealthOp tracting with @teambetaalpha because Russian terrorists
were trying to kill us.... Got that "how are you our zone leader
look" from them haha. No Greg Popovich involved this week but dang I have
some weird dreams as a missionary.
saw a herd of buffalo.
Went out to dinner at Naps with Sister Leighter. Those burgers tho... I swear
each bite equates to 100 sit-ups but I don't even care, so dang good. Sister
Leighter is awesome. She's from Conrad so we had a good time talking about
#TheRad family and the #GOAT Brother Weisgram. She's so dang funny... Alright
let me paint a picture for ya.
eyed girl" is being played on the radio (such a good song)...
are downing a 12 oz burger while the elderly lady in front of you is too
downing a 12 oz burger (she's didn't eat all of it but I was still
are having a nice conversation about families and the gospel...
thing you know she starts going off on the liberals that don't want her
shooting bears and that want to take her guns away....
Just a reminder she's 70+... #WelcomeToMontana, I love it here. She'd be
awesome on Twitter, official grandma of #TwitterDreamTeam.
while on the topic of celery doesn't have calories (#ThingsMissionarysTalkAbout)
I said... "Ya, pretty sure brownies don't either" and Metcalf gave me
that same look Kurt would give me whenever I tell him made up facts. Love ya
potato boy.
helped a band get set up for the ward young adult dance party and the drummer
reminded me of pre-mission haircut Andrew Thackeray. Cool guys, wanted to get
out on the dance floor that night but unfortunately such acts of Babylon is
forbidden for elders.
PEC on Sunday was pretty much just bracketology and it was kinda weird not
having a clue what's going on in the world of March Madness. I did fill out a
bracket last week... I got to fill out ONE bracket... Was notified via email
that the team I picked to win it all got their butt whooped in the second round
but when you get one bracket to fill out you can't NOT pick your team to
win it all (if that makes sense)!!! "A Utah Man sir will be till I die."
Dinner with the Pederson's and Brother Pederson (ex-military) started going off on
PO'd red necks killing terrorists if they ever invade this country. I love
Drive to Missoula was winter, drive back was spring (check the pics).
Sitting at lunch during zone conference when a sister tosses a note onto me...
Open it up and #ShotsFired on my Utes (check pics). Sister Dayes heard that "I Am
a Utah Man" from Sister Freeman (MTC district) and decided to blind side sucker
punch me with that written Bomb while I am innocently talking with Potter and
Metcalf about the BROzeman glory days of last summer . Mom, you'd be
proud to know I buried my weapons of war last July and I didn't go all @MPett3
#TwitterDreamTeam on her. Probs not a good idea if she started Faslev'ing it
while I'm Pedroza'ing in the background... Especially while the Mission
President is sitting right there. I know I subtly take some jabs at the Cougs
every once and a while in my emails but I have actually been pretty nice out
here. Dang, it caught me off guard though! Never even met Sister Dayes before
that. Freakin savage move but I'll admit it was well played.
Zone Leaders and District Leaders had a little meeting with President where we
could ask some questions... Somehow playing Risk with members got brought up
and President asked what our thoughts were... I responded (100% jokingly btdubs)
"spirit can't dwell with contention" and President told everyone that's
exactly right and went off about it for like 5 minutes. I of course quickly act
like I was being serious. When He told me "nice work Elder Pett" I
felt inside like I just accidentally banked a 3 pointer... The Points still
count right??? #ICalledBank
Good week tho. Just kind of realized A lot of missionaries just send a
paragraph home and that's probably how it should be but heck I take 3 paragraphs
just to talk about catching a bunny or retrieving relief society left overs
from a Christmas party after curfew while #StealthOp ninja starring Spencer
Briggs along the way #SorrySisterBriggs... I just gotta let it all out man, I
have so much I wanna tell you guys about!!! I guess as socially awkward as I am
I just like to talk... So today's spiritual rant will be on Easter.
seems to be magnified on your mission. Prayer, scripture study, the sacrament,
Gen Conf, kicking rocks, hearing from your family, and currently for me,
Easter. You start to notice that the things that really are important in
life, are what's magnified on your mission. Easter is definitely being
magnified for me.
few weeks back in district meeting, Sister Sanjaa gave a discussion on charity
and it has been on my mind ever since. "The pure love of Christ". I
know that's what charity is, but something about that discussion and the time
of year just made it stick in my mind... The pure love of Christ.... Think
about that for a second! It's so much deeper than that, I honestly can't even
fully wrap my mind around it.
when I need help understanding something I compare it to one of two
Football... Or the Mouse.
this case, I went with the Utes. Thought back to the video I posted a year ago
last February. I think it was like "Utah Football 2014 Season Highlight
video"... (Go watch the first minute and this will make a whole lot more
sense. Mom if you blog this post a link.) I remember mentioning it in a
previous email so this might sound a little familiar but I'm just gonna expound a
little more.
go that inch for my family. By now you have probably realized I consider pretty
much anyone that has had a positive impact on me as family. Whether it's my
mother or a Twitter follower I have never met yet I'm tight with, If at anytime
you have helped me... All I gotta say is "Family on 3". I'd give up
everything and do anything for you. But Christ didn't just go that inch for the
people that loved him, he went that inch for the people that were against him
too. It's easy for me to say I'd do anything for Z, but what about the person
who slams the door in your face or a guy who tells you to go to hell??? Instead
of yelling back "see you there!" you mean to tell me I gotta be
willing to do anything to help him go that inch too? That's the most key part
of charity, willing to go that inch for everyone... And that's where my
thoughts have really been.
did Christ do it? How did Nephi do it? How did Joseph Smith and the Saints do
it? They went that inch for those around them knowing darn well they were going
to be rejected for it. I'm far from being like any of them, but being a missionary
I guess I could ask myself how do I do it??? You have those days that every
possible plan goes to crap (like @pettbryan's bracket) and no one wants
anything to do with you and quite frankly you just wanna go and play in Toon
Town with Z. Those days happen to everyone, missionary or not. It can kinda be
hard going those inches. Dang, seriously tho, how DO I do it??? For me, I think
of my family. Who I have backing me up. Those that left a legacy on me. Those
that would go that inch for me.
this isn't doctrine, but I imagine the Saints thought of the same people. As
did Nephi. As did Christ. Who would be willing to go that inch for them.
I'm sure Heavenly Father gave them a glimpse of what was to come, the people that
would be able to go that inch in the future because of the sacrifices they were
mentioned I think about my family, well I especially think of the 3 month old
middle line backer back home that shares a name with me. Have I met Eli in this
life??? Nope, but knowing he's got Uncle K's name gives me strength to push on,
to be the best person I can be. Then I think about the name on my name tag, the
One I represent. The One who went that inch for everyone. When Christ was
struggling, I'd like to think he did the same thing I do. Think of those that
will someday bear his name. As he was going that inch for every one of us, he
knew there would be those that would reject Him. But I bet ya he was thinking
of those that would go that inch for Him, and if 2 years brought him a millisecond
of peace and hope when he was in the garden or on the cross, that alone makes
these 2 years worth it.
"I think you're gonna see a
guy that will go that inch with you, you're gonna see a guy who will sacrifice
himself for this team cause he knows when it comes down to it, you're gonna do
the same for Him."
is a special time of year as we celebrate his life and resurrection. I know he
Lives. I know he loves us. And how sweet is it that because of what He did, I
can be with my family forever.
Well I hope that made sense... If a dude dressed up in a bunny costume and
colorful eggs helps you understand it better than a Utah football hype video
then all power to you. I really do love this gospel, and am so incredibly
grateful for a Savior that went that inch for me, and now I can go that inch
for those around me.
year ago I got my call and a year ago today I baptized Alexis!!! Wow that
freaks me out... I had a little meltdown when it hit me on Saturday... Don't even
want to think about the year mark to be honest... I can't believe how much I
have changed in that year, how much a mission has taught me and helped me grow.
I wouldn't say I was a complete and total child of hell before my mission but
there were no doubt things that I could have been better at. This gospel changes you, it helps you. I'd be
nothing without Christ in my life. I don't have all the answers of what
the future will hold... but I know God has my back, and as long as I know that
I'm good.
is true people, I love it. Have a happy Easter and thanks for the birthday
wishes, means a lot. Don't really care how old I am, @pettbryan and I will
always need to be separated by my mother in sacrament meeting and given treats
to behave. S/O to my lovely mother for putting up with eternal 5 year
- Elder
happy birthday this week to ma boy Nic Goldsbery (@niccysmalls). Love ya
don't know what that is but I want to drive one. #WelcomeToMontana
Utes All Day Everyday
Splash Elders
red Camaro... Black racing stripe... Had to go read the "lock your
heart" talk after I saw that beauty.
- I'd
live there.
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